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[Brazil] Brazilian Flowers and Plants Stamp Set
Brazil has a great diversity of beautiful flowers and plants, so it would be wonderful to see them here, with a set of their own. Here is a compilation of some suggestions that could be in this set: • Vitória-régia ( https://ciclovivo.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/vitoria-regia-ciclovivo4.jpg ) • Espada de São Jorge ( https://imagens-revista.vivadecora.com.br/uploads/2019/02/okok.jpg ) [It's origin is from Africa, but it's comom to see this plant in the gardens of the houses. It's almost a tradition to have them, for aesthetic and, sure, for protection] • Samambaia ( https://static3.tcdn.com.br/img/img_prod/350075/muda_de_samambaia_americana_cuia_21_8677_1_c9ee18ac0dba75d67921b9d057367bd0.jpg ) • Bromélia ( https://conteudo.imguol.com.br/c/entretenimento/9f/2022/06/10/guzmania-a-mais-comum-das-bromelias-no-brasil-1654876245732_v2_900x506.jpg ) • Begônia ( https://www.floresefolhagens.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/begonia-cerosa-begonia-semperflorens.jpg ) • Jacarandá ( https://static3.tcdn.com.br/img/img_prod/350075/muda_de_jacaranda_mimoso_roxo_feita_de_semente_12157_1_20220412114305.jpg ) • Helicônia ( https://www.orquidario4e.com.br/Content/images/product/0119111140_1_m_z_00.jpg ) • Pau-Brasil ( https://cdn.univicosa.com.br/img/portal/noticia/acervo/91408paubrasilCeplag.jpg ) • Onze-horas ( https://minhasplantas.s3.amazonaws.com/media/plantas/galeria/Portulaca-grandiflora-08.jpg ) • Cipó-de-são-joão ( https://s2.glbimg.com/f7IMa57phMpH3uKDE44hOTfdZ08=/smart/e.glbimg.com/og/ed/f/original/2021/04/19/8-flores-nativas-para-voce-ter-no-seu-jardim_1.jpg ) • Alamanda ( https://s2.glbimg.com/7TjWugUAEeDwzwPWCatbvJxXvIY=/620x480/smart/e.glbimg.com/og/ed/f/original/2021/04/19/8-flores-nativas-para-voce-ter-no-seu-jardim_7.jpg ) • Viuvinha ou flor-de-são-miguel ( https://s2.glbimg.com/2-H-3sqZDbqA6BFVJxqIRvgVi6E=/620x480/smart/e.glbimg.com/og/ed/f/original/2021/04/19/8-flores-nativas-para-voce-ter-no-seu-jardim_6.jpg )
[Ukraine] Plants that are considered symbols of Ukraine
Since ancient times, certain plants have personified the beauty of Ukraine, the spiritual strength of its people, and are evidence of love for the native land. There are many legends about folk symbols! They are sung in songs, used in rites, embroidered on shirts and towels, and decorated with houses on holidays. 1) Тополя. The poplar has been a Ukrainian national symbol since ancient times. You can hear many songs and listen to numerous legends about the poplar tree. 2) Барвінок. Periwinkle flower is a symbol of love. Periwinkle is traditionally decorated with a loaf of bread at weddings, woven into a wreath. Bushes of this plant can be found in almost every homestead. Previously, periwinkle flower served as a reliable talisman against evil spirits. Probably, that is why so many legends and traditions are connected with this flower. Nowadays, the flower is revered for its attractive appearance, and is also widely used in folk medicine. 3) Соняшник. Sunflower is a real symbol of Ukraine, fertility and prosperity, fun and well-being, the plant is also called "flower of the sun". By the way, today Ukraine ranks second in the world in terms of the rate of cultivation of sunflower seeds. 4) Калина. Guelder rose/Viburnum is a plant of our Ukrainian genus, which is widespread almost throughout the country. It grows in gardens, meadows, on the banks of rivers and ponds, in undergrowth. It is a small tree or shrub 4-5 m tall with gray bark and fragrant flowers. It is impossible to imagine a village yard in Ukraine where a guelder rose bush does not grow. 5) Верба. The most revered tree in Ukraine is the willow. Probably, everyone has heard the saying: "Without willow and viburnum - there is no Ukraine" / "Bez verby i kalyny - nema Ukrayiny". More than 30 species of this tree grow on the territory of Ukraine. 6) Чорнобривці. Marigolds that are traditional elements of the Ukrainian wreath. These flowers are a symbol of loyalty and devotion. There was also an opinion that marigolds could protect the house from evil spirits and the evil eye. That is why marigolds always grew in the garden near every house. The flowers were so widespread that later they became a real symbol of the native home and our Motherland - Ukraine.
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